Welcome to Mercury Writers' Guild

Our Story
The ascended masters through The Summit Lighthouse have called for a fraternity of writers to champion fresh writing about the teachings. They need writers to meet the many needs of the spiritual seekers knocking on our doors. Hermes Trismegistus, El Morya and Saint Germain all have spoken of this great need.
The Writers’ Guild of God Mercury was reformed in 2021 by Summit University, the educational arm of The Summit Lighthouse, in answer to the call from the ascended master Hermes Trismegistus to form a Guild of God Mercury. Our Guild is dedicated to honing our craft and spreading the teachings through the power of the pen.
If you love writing and love the teachings of the ascended masters, consider joining us in this great cause of the Great White Brotherhood. Keep reading to learn more about our Guild and what we offer.
What We Offer
Learn to write effectively about the teachings of the ascended masters in dynamic Summit University writing courses.
Become a part of a growing community of writers dedicated to spreading the teachings through the power of the pen.
Tap into the Guild’s growing library of writing resources from topical forums to the Guild’s writing tips and techniques newsletter and more.
The Mercury Writers’ Guild offers writing training through Summit University, the educational branch of The Summit Lighthouse. Summit University’s Writers’ Guild Training Program prepares students to create inspiring, persuasive writing to attract, engage and nurture spiritual seekers. Students are trained in writing techniques that render belief transformation through education and radiation, which is the quality of divine feeling put into one’s writing. As the written word crafted properly can be used as an instrument of the Holy Spirit, students will learn how to write effectively, inspirationally and convincingly about the teachings of the ascended masters.
Why We Offer Training
Why We Offer Training
The ascended master Hermes calls those who would take up the arts of communication in defense of truth:
I speak of the lineage of the initiates of Mercury—those who have fashioned their skill by the sword and the pen, those who have acquainted themselves with the mind of God and have claimed that mind, who have come from a lineage that antedates myself. Truly, there is a lineage of those who have been called Hermes, the name being the title of an office. Thus, there is a descent of those whose craft has been to set forth in writing and in other forms of communication that which is Real, that which is unreal, that which is necessary information to the body politic round the world that they might know and understand the way to go….
Set forth the message! Set forth the platform for its delivery in your area of expertise! And if you think you have no expertise, go out and get it, and study and prove yourself to be one who will make that statement and make that name, not only for yourself but for God and all the ascending ones. I AM Hermes and I say to you: I shall overshadow any of you, each and every one of you, who will learn these disciplines.
— Hermes Trismegistus, Pearls of Wisdom® Vol. 36, No. 42
Courses Available from Summit University

ENGL 1281
Writers’ Guild Training – Fundamentals
17-week class
The Guild’s premiere writing course, ENGL 1281 trains students in strategies to create persuasive writing that is fresh, exciting and jargon-free for spiritual seekers new to the teachings of the ascended masters. The course will explore marketing concepts such as the Buddha Formula and belief transformation. It will also cover memoir and fiction writing, understanding personas, and writing for micro-communities.

ENGL 1225
English Writing Skills
8-week class
ENGL 1225 is a skills training course that teaches the principles of good English writing. The course includes composition, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation, formal vs. informal writing, using active and passive voice, writing in first, second and third person, and similar topics. Students will also be reviewing different areas of writing such as articles, business writing, cover letters, essays and email composition. Practice exercises designed for skill enhancement supplement the textbook materials.

ENGL 1275
Writing for Social Media
8-week class
ENGL 1275 trains students in social media navigation and the creation of quality platform-specific content that invites readers to engage with the teachings of the ascended masters on social media. Students will learn and extensively practice a set of writing-related skills that will empower them to create authentic content for social media, ranging from global sites such as Medium and Instagram to local social media platforms such as teaching center and study group websites. The course includes detailed exercises to help students get comfortable with writing for the web.
What Guild Members Say about Summit University Courses

“(…) This course [ENGL 1281] has definitely developed my abilities to write about the teachings of the ascended masters in very specific ways. One way was teaching us the guidance technique of the 4 Fs,(Factual, Friendly, Fun and Fresh). Using this qualities as a template for my writing about the teachings relaxed my mind and allowed my intuition and creativity to flow, and to be more personal and less stiff. In addition to the 4 F’s learning to apply the Buddha Formula which was taught and emphasized in this course made me feel a greater sense of focus and intensity when writing for the ascended masters and at the same time brought clarity and purpose to all of my writing. (…)”
Susan Mundy
Summit University Student

“The ENGL 1281 course helped me to develop the use of techniques that show what is happening instead of just narrative description in story telling. Also when writing about the teaching of the ascended masters, I used to rely on quotes from the messengers and the masters in order to be sure I was conveying the subject matter correctly. This course offered other tools to explain and illustrate the teachings in my own words and to avoid jargon that may not be appropriate. Various concepts were given that allow a writer to pick the best style and word usage to convey the meaning of the teachings. I am now better able to write with the audience in mind regardless of their familiarity with spirituality. (…)”
Randi Phillips
Summit University Student
How To Join Our Guild Community
Keepers of the Flame* on Lesson 8 or above are welcome to apply to join the Writers’ Guild of God Mercury. There are two ways to apply:
Option 1: Take and pass ENGL 1281 Writers’ Guild Training—Fundamentals.
All Keepers of the Flame on Lesson 8 or above who take ENGL 1281 through Summit University for credit and receive a passing grade are eligible for membership. Audit students in ENGL 1281 who regularly post in the forums may be invited to join based on recommendations by the instructors or teaching assistants who have evaluated their work.
Option 2: Submit three writing samples.
Keepers of the Flame on Lesson 8 or above are welcome to apply for Guild membership by submitting three writing samples for review to writing@SummitUniversity.org. Each sample should be at least 300 words. Both fiction and non-fiction are acceptable. Be sure to include at least one sample in which you wrote about a topic from the teachings of the ascended masters. Your samples may be older pieces or something you wrote specifically for your application to the Guild. If your work is published, you are welcome to send us a copy of the publication. A review committee will read your writing samples. Members will be accepted based on their writing abilities.
For questions regarding membership, please contact the Registrar at Registrar@SummitUniversity.org.
*The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity® was founded in 1961 by Saint Germain as an organization of ascended masters and their chelas who vow to keep the flame of Life on earth and support the activities of the Great White Brotherhood in the establishment of their Community and Mystery School and in the dissemination of their teachings. It is part of The Summit Lighthouse, a spiritual organization dedicated to publishing and practicing the teachings of the ascended masters delivered through Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. To learn more about the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, visit www.KeepersoftheFlame.org.
Writers’ Guild Resources
If you love writing and you love the teachings, Summit University invites you to enjoy a short story series featuring a fictitious pair of aspiring writers. Nick and Michaela are probably not unlike you, if writing for the masters has ever been a dream of yours. Join the lively brother-and-sister duo as they came to some interesting realizations back when the COVID pandemic was just beginning.
If you feel the tugging at your heart and soul to become part of the Guild of God Mercury, then join us for a series of four free Writers’ Guild Conversations and explore with us how you can start writing for the Great White Brotherhood. Learn basic principles for writing about the teachings of the ascended masters, fiction writing, marketing writing, and the importance of audience.
Peruse our free online publication, “The Mercury Writers’ Guild Blog” where members share their writing talent through articles, stories, educational pieces and more. Check out our monthly roundup of blog entries or search and read by category. Either way you are in for a treat!
Sign up to receive our free monthly email series, Writers’ Guild Conversations: Tips & Techniques, and get a monthly dose of writers’ learning and inspiration right in your inbox. Email topics range from tips for overcoming grammar hurdles and editing your work to techniques for writing great headlines and finding your authentic voice.