Writing Skills
Where Writers Look for Free Images

Where Writers Look for Free Images

By Mitchell Stukaloff

Several sites advertise “royalty free” images that are in the public domain, but they still charge for the image because they’ve photographed it and posted it on their website to sell.

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How to Write Meeting Minutes

How to Write Meeting Minutes

by Lee Ellingson

The origin of the word “minutes” is obscure, but it probably comes from Latin and means something small. So, minutes are small notes or a summary of what happened in a meeting. Minutes can be formal or informal. Informal minutes are casual notes taken in a meeting. They typically have no legal status.

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Using Quotation Marks Correctly

Using Quotation Marks Correctly

By The Summit University Team

Punctuation is our favorite topic, right? Well… maybe not. Nevertheless, we writers need to master the ins and outs of punctuation if we wish to master our craft. So, in the spirit of learning good punctuation, we’ll be examining punctuation puzzles over the course of our next few Writers’ Guild newsletters. And since punctuation in the English language is quite detailed, we are going to try to keep the subject as straightforward as possible by addressing one punctuation mark at a time.

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Why Should I Care About Headline Writing?

Why Should I Care About Headline Writing?

By The Summit University Team

Writing interesting headlines is both an art and a science. Volumes have been written on this learnable skill. But why should I learn how to write headlines, you may ask. Well, do you send emails? Do you post anything on social media that you would like others to view or read? Do you ever write anything that you share with others? If your answer is yes to any of the above, knowing what makes up a good headline and what doesn’t is something you’ll appreciate today.

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