by Sebastian Castro | Apr 30, 2021 | Inspiration, Tips & Techniques Emails
In a recent Mercury Writers’ Guild Zoom meeting, author Lois Drake was interviewed by Summit University’s Patrick Rogers. The topic was writing fictional stories or novels about the teachings. This issue of Tips & Techniques shares the transcript of this...
by Sebastian Castro | Mar 25, 2021 | Announcements, Tips & Techniques Emails
Here’s a sneak peek into two exciting new writing courses Summit University will be offering during the second half of 2021. Registration will open on April 26. Please click on the link below for further information. ENGL 1225 ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS ENGL 1225 is a...
by Sebastian Castro | Feb 26, 2021 | Tips & Techniques Emails, Writing Skills
As lovers of the teachings of the ascended masters sharing them when opportunities arise. Many of us have been trained in various outreach skills and activities where we share the teachings with spiritual seekers. In fact, each of us has a history of speaking and...
by Sebastian Castro | Jan 29, 2021 | Tips & Techniques Emails, Writing Skills
Whether you are a person who sends the occasional email or a full-time writing professional, correctly using commas can be challenging. Yet, misplaced, missing or overused commas can mess up an otherwise good piece of writing, so mastering the basics of correct comma...
by Sebastian Castro | Dec 21, 2020 | Tips & Techniques Emails, Writing Skills
Last month we discussed the rules regarding the uses of hyphens, that shortest of horizontal dashes (-) found on the key to the right of the zero on your computer keyboard. This month we will explain how the hyphen’s two cousins, the em dash and the en dash, are used....