
Jul 31, 2021 | Inspiration, Tips & Techniques Emails

Creativity. She’s something no writer can live without.

She whispers in our ear the opening scene of our novel or the unique angle for our latest article. She enlivens our character dialog with her wit and charm and enriches our sharing of facts with her eloquence and liveliness. Although often taking her bows from behind the curtain, we acknowledge her as the critical character of our masterpiece. And yet, despite the attention we give her, she sometimes eludes us, fleeing our side, and not always in ideal moments.

The desire to have Creativity be our constant companion is something that unites us as writers. And yet, we know that Creativity, despite knowing no bounds, must take her leave of us from time to time in order to rejuvenate herself.

What can we do as writers when Creativity departs from us? A simple answer is to follow her. As we watch her flee our computer or rush out of the library, we can choose to join her on her excursion. While she may be found among the hurried travelers in the train station or seated in a corner of a familiar coffee shop, one of her favorite places is nature. She loves to frolic with the butterflies, chase elementals behind flowers and trees and bask in the sunlight sprinkling through the forest tree canopy.

So, as it is still summer in many parts of the world, we offer this suggestion to you: If you find yourself in need of some creative inspiration today, may we recommend that you step outside into nature? The beauty of nature can often give us a refreshing perspective on our writing work. Spend some time in nature and feel that creative part of yourself come alive again. Sunshine or rain, heat or brisk air, breeze or stillness, nature is always ready to give us a nourishing recharge, if we would but pause to be with her.

Next month, we’ll return to our discussions about writing. Until then, may you enjoy your time in nature and may the Fiat of God Mercury be with you!

1 Comment

  1. Avatar

    Beautifully written – it transported me to another realm just reading your words.


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