Reclaiming Your Divinity

Mar 16, 2022 | Announcements, Inspiration

By Joy Rulewski

I am so delighted to share with you the news of a wonderful victory. By God’s grace, after two-and-a-half years, I have finally finished my first book. So I hope you’ll indulge me for sharing my joy with you, my beloved fellow writers for the masters. Hopefully, in some small way, it would inspire someone to finish or start their book!

“Reclaiming Your Divinity” was published by Balboa Press (a Division of Hay House) in January 2022 under my pen name, Josefa Amor. It is available both as a print book and as an e-book, on most book distribution platforms including Amazon, Balboa Press, Booktopia, Book Depository and Scribd.

The book is 40 years late. I thought about writing the book in the 1980’s in obedience to Mother’s instruction for each of us to write a book on one’s Christhood. Her instruction had stayed me for all that time and would not let me go.  At last, I guess the cycle was right and now it is finished, by God’s grace.

Should you be interested in reading it, I would be most grateful to know your response and feedback. And if you are moved to do so, perhaps kindly give it a fair product review here: Review Reclaiming Your Divinity

Reclaiming Your Divinity is not a memoir. Rather, it is categorized as “Self-Improvement” so it appeals to a wider audience.  In it, I have included stories from my childhood and youth as a springboard to how I came into the teachings from a strong Catholic background. The book contains a distillation of my understanding of the teachings and how I’ve applied them in my life: how in the end, truth is truth and God is your ever-present guide to lead you back to him if one allows him to.

My chosen position as an author is in the middle of the curve—sharing the teachings in the everyday language and from the perspective of a spiritual seeker open to the teachings and ready for the next step.

It is my intention that someone who is like me out in the world looking for the ‘next step’ in her spiritual journey would pick up the book, resonate with it and respond to the teachings.  I believe that the book is most suitable as an introduction to the teachings for the spiritual seeker.

Over the last six months of writing my book, I also was taking the SU Online English Fundamentals course, as well as SU’s Writing for Social Media course. These courses have truly assisted and influenced my writing. The Summit Lighthouse’s Outreach Book was also a significant influence. So you are all very much a part of its creation.

I AM so very grateful to the ascended masters for this tremendous opportunity to co-create this work with them, humble as it is. They will supply the difference. May it be a blessed seed of light and enlightenment that they can use for the Victory of the Mission and help bring our brothers and sisters home.


  1. Congratulations, Joy! And thank you for inspiring me to get on the proverbial ‘stick’ for my own project!

    • Thank you, Marshall. Good fortune on your project! Remember the Nike slogan, “Just do it!”. Looking forward to reading yours.

  2. Wonderful news Joy, congratulations. I have your book to reread.

    • Thank you, Anne. I would encourage you to put together your writings soon too. I know you have so many interesting insights and adventures to share.

  3. Wonderful news Joy.
    What an accomplishment to have written your book.
    Did you find resolution, peace, majesty and as the song goes “A closer walk with Thee?”
    Robin Bourke

    • Thank you, Robin.

      Yes, having finished writing the book, I felt some resolution, an inner peace, a deeper understanding about myself and the journey; but also I also know that the river does not stand still and the horizon keeps moving on and spiraling upward.
      Thank you for your comment. 🙂


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