The Ladder of Love

Jan 26, 2022 | Inspiration, Story

by Anne Hall-Bowden

Taking reservations on going to heaven.

Is there a bridge and instructions on getting there?

I have just lost my best team player with the recent, unanticipated passing of my beloved husband, Michael. It has made me take a microscopic lens to everything I say, think and do.  When you lose a loved one, particularly someone whom you have lived, worked and prayed with daily, one deeply questions what you have to show for your sojourn on earth. Is there a passport or something to get through those pearly gates?

Elizabeth Claire Prophet had wise words to say about this. “When you get to heaven, you will not be a Jew, Muslim or Christian,” she said. “You will be a citizen of heaven, and nobody is going to care what you did on earth as long as you walked the path of love.”

A broken heart takes a long time to heal. But through the tears of grief and heartache, it is time to take that test and turn it into a testimonial.

Michael embodied “the path of love.” An absolute gentleman, he had the most humble, gentle and generous heart.  Everyone, be it a gruff old soul, a lonely child or a frightened animal, gravitated to him. It was wondrous to watch and behold. A true Saint Francis of Assisi come again.  It was as if when they touched the hem of his garment, they could experience the power of his unconditional love and it changed them forever. 

I am turning my messiness into a message of love, particularly in this time of separation and anxiety as the pandemic plays itself out throughout the world.  Those things we dread going through and try to put behind us, God often puts in front of us. Moreover, He can use our trials to bless others.

In John 14.12 are these words: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

I know God is in the miracle business and he is doing some of his best miracles now.   Let Him work some wonders in your life, as we could certainly use some wonders now.  

Climb aboard the ladder of love to reach those heavenly realms, and have a good trip along the way. 

Grüß Gott, (God greets you/God bless you).

Anne Hall-Bowden


  1. Anne,

    I appreciate how you made your experience a teaching for all of us. True words, Love, divine Love conquers all. You have the treasure of your memories and the comfort of the masters and your Holy Christ Self.

    Looking forward to see more of your work.

  2. Dear Heidi, Thank you for your kind words. I hope to participate more fully in the Guild’s work as we go forward. I look forward to reading more of your writing as well. May God bless you and your loved ones, Anne

  3. Hi Anne:
    Thank you for the message of love and sharing the testimonial of your husband’s open-hearted love for others. He sounds like a special soul who was called back home. Your witness is a reminder to open our hearts to others and “climb aboard the ladder of love.” May God bless you and your family, Karen

    • Thank you Karen,
      I was privileged to have a Tribute to Michael on Easter Monday at our home and shared on zoom, 9 months after his transition. My sons and their families arrived from interstate and by God’s grace, we were able to intertwine a biblical verse on love, Kahlil Gibran, ECP and one of Mark’s comments into the Tribute plus Saint Francis’ Prayer for Peace. I included the singing of Higher Ground and The Ascension song which prefaced as Farewell To Thee by Queen Liluokalani – as the people who attended physically were not kof, I wanted to share the teachings in layman terms but reach their hearts and souls. I read out the Ladder of Love. It was something I had a challenge in facing but by God’s grace, the holy spirit worked its magic. Michael was an example of Saint Francis come again –


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