The Mercury Writers' Guild Blog

Welcome to the Guild of God Mercury—the hub where TSL writers connect and cooperate on writing projects for the Great White Brotherhood. We’re glad you’re here. Check out the sections below to find your areas of interest and get started!

Reclaiming Your Divinity

Reclaiming Your Divinity

By Joy Rulewski

I am so delighted to share with you the news of a wonderful victory. By God's grace, after two-and-a-half years, I have finally finished my first book. So I hope you'll indulge me for sharing my joy with you, my beloved fellow writers for the masters. Hopefully, in some small way, it would inspire someone to finish or start their book!

Morya Woke Me Up!

Morya Woke Me Up!

By Marshall Haley

In August 1973 I made one of my frequent visits to the University Book Store in the University District of Seattle, Washington. A book—Secret of the Andes by Brother Philip—seemed to jump out at me as I searched the occult section for deeper meaning

Using The Rich Verse of Shakespeare to Help Autistic Children Connect

Using The Rich Verse of Shakespeare to Help Autistic Children Connect

by Carol Brenner

At first glance you might think Shakespeare has little to offer a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, children with ASD struggle to express feelings, make eye contact and move their bodies through space with confidence. Often, they fall into rigid behavior patterns simply to survive and make sense of their topsy turvy world.

Who Really Wrote the Shakespeare Plays?

Who Really Wrote the Shakespeare Plays?

By Paula Benner, Neil Kremer and Sara Lee Langsam

Shakespeare’s works still remain the most cherished of all English literature. They present the classic confrontations, the real dramas that life brings to every person. We can benefit by a “dress rehearsal” from examples in literature that can help to prepare us when we encounter similar circumstances in our lives. The real author of the Shakespeare plays was Francis Bacon. What is the proof of that, you ask? Consider the evidence.

Claim Your Apostleship

Claim Your Apostleship

by Heidi Fuentes

We start a new year with new resolutions and hopes to be better and to achieve our goals.  Building on this, we must also take some time to think how we want to continue on the spiritual growth we started last year.  In my last article, “The Higher You”, we explored the three steps to connect to our Higher Self and how “service” is important.  Service to others becomes a means to self-discovery, finding our life reason, our dharma.

How to Write Meeting Minutes

How to Write Meeting Minutes

by Lee Ellingson

The origin of the word “minutes” is obscure, but it probably comes from Latin and means something small. So, minutes are small notes or a summary of what happened in a meeting. Minutes can be formal or informal. Informal minutes are casual notes taken in a meeting. They typically have no legal status.

The Ladder of Love

The Ladder of Love

by Anne Hall-Bowden

Taking reservations on going to heaven.
Is there a bridge and instructions on getting there?
I have just lost my best team player with the recent, unanticipated passing of my beloved husband, Michael. It has made me take a microscopic lens to everything I say, think and do. When you lose a loved one, particularly someone whom you have lived, worked and prayed with daily, one deeply questions what you have to show for your sojourn on earth. Is there a passport or something to get through those pearly gates?

The Choice

The Choice

by Craig Nicholson

"We surely have the right to choose
A precious gift from God above …"
But what if that choice is for someone else?
What if they are inside of you?
Maybe a tough choice!

Bringing Into The Light to Real You

Bringing Into The Light to Real You

By Heidi Fuentes

At some point in your life, you may have asked yourself: Am I my body? Am I my mind? Am I my soul?  While the answer may be yes to all these questions, deep down, if you are a seeker, you know the answers are incomplete. You may ponder which part of you was the one created in God’s image. 

Hermes Trismegistus

I speak of the lineage of the initiates of Mercury—those who have fashioned their skill by the sword and the pen, those who have acquainted themselves with the mind of God and have claimed that mind, who have come from a lineage that antedates myself. Truly, there is a lineage of those who have been called Hermes, the name being the title of an office. Thus, there is a descent of those whose craft has been to set forth in writing and in other forms of communication that which is Real, that which is unreal, that which is necessary information to the body politic round the world that they might know and understand the way to go….

There are those whom I myself have trained under my mantle as God Mercury. We who bear the shield and the armour of the Sun must therefore go up and down the nations of the earth and call out those who have the original communication skills, who practiced those skills in ancient times and on ancient continents and are willing to once again take the lead in the dissemination of the Truth and in exposing error. You must come forward! For the Truth must be made known….