The Mercury Writers' Guild Blog

Welcome to the Guild of God Mercury—the hub where TSL writers connect and cooperate on writing projects for the Great White Brotherhood. We’re glad you’re here. Check out the sections below to find your areas of interest and get started!

Practicing Show, Don’t Tell

Practicing Show, Don’t Tell

Summer is a great time to explore our creativity and stretch our writing skills. We can get out into the sun and nature, smell the flowers, daydream under the clouds, and make use of the long summer days to chase adventure and catch up on our big writing projects.

America’s Ambassador of Goodwill

America’s Ambassador of Goodwill

By Emily Pierro

Are you familiar with Will Rogers? Perhaps many of you reading this article will answer, no. Allow me to introduce you to a true American legend, William Penn Adair Rogers. Known as Will Rogers, he spent his entire life sprinkling mirth, humor and laughter to millions of people here at home in America and all over the world.

Dear God, I Have Something to Ask

Dear God, I Have Something to Ask

By Heidi Fuentes

God permeates us with His Light all the time, 24/7, perennially since the beginning of our existence in the matter universe.  We have used this Light for the good, but also for the bad; hence here we are still experiencing life’s continuum. In our path of initiation we must also reach out to God through our Higher Self and ask for His guidance.

A Soul’s Praise to Her Creator

A Soul’s Praise to Her Creator

by Eija Paatero

When there was no hope
You saved me
When I could not forgive myself
You forgave me
When I was angry at you or feared you
You stripped me of those lies
When I was thinking about the futility of my life
You blew those thoughts away
When I missed a partner by my side
You showed me the treasures of my soul

Secret of the Himalayas

Secret of the Himalayas

By Carol Brenner

High in the Himalayas hidden from false eyes
Upon the peaks where glistens the brilliance of the sun
A Master and his Chelas form a circle, meditating on the One

Unknown to the masses, impervious to the cold
This band of brothers have no need for comforts of home
Generated from within both heat and light enfold
A shining shield—Look! Behold

A Gopi’s Lament

A Gopi’s Lament

By Carol Brenner

I peeked inside my heart today
Was Krishna hiding there?
I wasn’t sure I’d find Him
(Not that He doesn’t care)
He plays hide and seek with me
I’m not sure where He goes
But when He’s gone a shadow falls
And then I feel alone

Hermes Trismegistus

I speak of the lineage of the initiates of Mercury—those who have fashioned their skill by the sword and the pen, those who have acquainted themselves with the mind of God and have claimed that mind, who have come from a lineage that antedates myself. Truly, there is a lineage of those who have been called Hermes, the name being the title of an office. Thus, there is a descent of those whose craft has been to set forth in writing and in other forms of communication that which is Real, that which is unreal, that which is necessary information to the body politic round the world that they might know and understand the way to go….

There are those whom I myself have trained under my mantle as God Mercury. We who bear the shield and the armour of the Sun must therefore go up and down the nations of the earth and call out those who have the original communication skills, who practiced those skills in ancient times and on ancient continents and are willing to once again take the lead in the dissemination of the Truth and in exposing error. You must come forward! For the Truth must be made known….